Åsa Dahm, CEO, and Göran Ahlgren, Senior Consultant and Associate Professor Urology, were invited as keynote speakers from Perituskliniken at the conference “Focus on Cancer Collaboration” at Medicon Village earlier in February.
The partly digital conference attracted a large group of cancer experts within the field of both academia, clinicians and business, with the aim of bridging the gap and increasing research collaboration across the life science continuum. ”It is unbelievably crucial for a researcher to be close to a clinic when conducting clinical trials; to get tissue samples, to get blood, and to be able to take part of the technical parameters from all the equipment that we can generate here. This means that you can find a huge number of collaboration areas for the different types of research.” – Åsa Dahm, CEO Peritus Clinichttps://www.mediconvillage.se/…/seed-possible…
– Åsa Dahm, CEO Peritus Clinic https://www.