Information for suppliers

Billing address:

Perituskliniken AB
737 83 Fagersta

All physical invoices are scanned which means that all bills and letters of xxx must be of high quality when it comes to readability and content. Invoices and any sub-appendices may not be stapled together. Please do not send invoice copies and copies of delivery notes.

It is also possible to send invoices via email to the address below:

Information about formatting and such for invoices can be found below:

Emails that contain invoices must meet the requirements that are stipulated/specified in section 1.1 Email Requirements.
The invoices that are attached to emails must meet the requirements that are stipulated/specified in section 1.2 Format Requirements Invoices.

1.1 Email Requirements

The following requirements apply to the emails that are received by Azets Insights Scanning Center:

The invoice picture must be included as an attachment in the email.
Multiple attachments will be processed provided that they have different names. If the attachments have the same name, only one will be processed.
Note that there may be only one invoice per attachment. If the invoice is multi-page, these pages must be merged into one file before being sent to the Azets Insights Scanning Center.
Free text in the email will not be processed.
The size of the email, including attachments may not exceed 20Mb.
The recipient’s invoice address must be on the invoice, just as on physical invoices sent by normal post.

1.2 Format Requirements Invoices

The following requirements apply to the files that  are included as attachments and then sent to Azets Insight Scanning Center: (If the requirements are deemed inadequate, the invoice will not be registered).

The file extension must be “.PDF” or “.TIF”. Other attachments are discarded. The file extension can be lowercase or uppercase.
PDF-files must be real PDF documents of version 1.3 or higher.
PDF-files that contain a scanned image with PDF as a “shell” are not manageable. There are e.g. software that can convert JPG images to PDF files, these are not supported by the E-mail service.
PDF-files are not to be password protected nor locked in any other manner.
TIF files must be of TIF group 4, 1-bit color depth, i.e. black and white with a resolution of 300dpi.
The file name can only contain the following characters: a-z, A-Z or 0-9.

1.3 Returns

Returns will be sent to the sender together with an error message. This will occur when the file is not PDF or TIF.


The invoices will be stored digitally at Azets Insight according to current legal requirements.


Company Information

Perituskliniken AB
Scheelevägen 8, 223 63 Lund
+46 (0) 46-288 60 60
CEO: Åsa Dahm